Tea Pots & Brewers
Tea Pots & tea brewers, Teas.net carries a wide variety of ways to make your favorite tea blend.
Tea Pots & Brewers
What is the first thing that you think about when you hear about teapots? For most of us, we think of the “I’m a little teapot” song. Teapots have been the traditional way to brew and serve tea for hundreds of years. There is a myriad of options to choose from when purchasing a teapot. Some are more for decoration than for tea preparation. Now lots of people have collections of teapots that are not often used for actual tea preparation. Teapots are not used to boil the water used for tea, but for steeping and serving the tea. One variety of teapots that are becoming more popular is somewhat similar in concept to the French Press for coffee. One of the classic images associated with teapots is a sterling silver tea service. They can be amazingly beautiful. But are also a lot of work to care for, silver requires regular polishing and cleaning so as not to tarnish.
There are a wide variety of teapots available at almost every price point. One can purchase a good quality teapot for as little as $7.00 or as much as $600. They come in a variety of materials: glass, porcelain, silver, etc. They can also be found in a range of sizes, from the perfect size for one cup of tea to enough to entertain with, there is no shortage of variety. Teapots make great gifts for a tea drinker, especially when paired with a nice blend of tea and perhaps some cookies. It is a wonderful way to encourage someone to take time for himself or herself and savor the moment as well as a cup of tea. A very popular kind of teapot for gift-giving is a single serving size teapot that comes with a mug, and the pot sits on top of the mug. This way, the teapot takes up less space and serves to help keep the cup of tea warm in case the drinker becomes distracted or busy. These types of pots can be found in simple designs in any color imaginable or they can be more stylized and found in almost any theme imaginable.

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